News archive
21. July 2011
I program my game computer
The YouTube video
Since in a way I am programming my Nintendo now, Kraftwerk's classic "Home computer" seemed like an appropriate track to do.
The visuals are done with NesFX which is a software on the Midines that does cool visual effects based on the MIDI signals.
Everything except the vocals are recorded with the Midines, in one shot.
The synthetic speech is made with SayIt by AnalogX.
I do the human vocals.
17. October 2011
My Doom music on YouTube
Some days ago I discovered that my Doom and Doom 2 music remakes are out on YouTube, and I have not put them there.
This YouTube user has posted all my Doom tracks as videos, without crediting me as the creator of course.
I asked the user kindly if I could be credited for my work, but haven't received any reply yet.
Suppose this is the price I have to pay for giving away my hard work for free... yeah, stuff like this really puts a damper on creativity :-(
7. November 2011
Looks like the YouTuber chose to ignore my request and disable the user channel, but the videos with my Doom and Doom 2 music are still available.
So much for common decency.
17. July 2011
Midines is in the house
The Midines is a NES cart that gives you MIDI access to the old 8-bit Nintendo sound chip,
so now the only game console I've ever had will be put back to use again!
Got to make some chip music now then.
27. April 2011
Microkorg XL + Eminent 310 = Rendez-Vous 3
The YouTube video
The laser harp sound is one of the first sounds I try to recreate when testing a synth, and the Microkorg XL manages to do a fairly good replica of it, although not as good as the Virus KB.
So i decided to play Jarre's Rendez-Vous 3 using the Microkorg as the Synthex lead and the Eminent 310 for chords and bass.
I have to admit, this was not the first take on this video; playing melody, chords and bass all at the same time was a bit over the top for my brain - my brain hurts!
20. April 2011
Another Virus KB version of Equinoxe 5?
Yeah, someone has made a Virus KB version of Equinoxe 5, just check out this YouTube video.
Now, hang on... that's my Virus KB version of Equinoxe 5...
7. August 2010
Interview at FRAGORAMA.SE
Recently I was interviewed by Claws at the Swedish Doom website FRAGORAMA.SE
The interview is mainly about the Doom music and sound effects.
You can check it out here.
26. June 2010
Old 90's game soundtrack techno
Well, haven't worked with any Doom stuff lately, but here the other day I suddenly got the urge to make a remake of the music in the second level in Descent.
Descent - one of the first games with true 3D, lots of cool robots, diffcult controls and the most awesome music!
Descent - Level 2: Lunar SciLab
20. February 2010
Now for some Doom 2 music
Not too many Doom tracks left now, so it was time for some Doom 2 tracks:
map04 - Between Levels
map31 - Evil Incarnate
2. February 2010
Roland JD-990 doing the laser harp sound
The Synthex laser harp sound (or Ring mod.) is a difficult sound for many synths to replicate, most fail in the sync part. Even without any kind of ring modulation, the Roland JD-990 does this sound quite well. The JD-990 needs to be set to "Solo" mode (single note only), but how often would you need the laser harp sound to play a chord.
Here is a clip of the JD-990 laser harp patch I made:
JD-990 laser harp
(this patch would not work on a JD-800 due to the lack of oscillator sync)
8. January 2010
The hi-res Doom sound pack is updated
Not a big update though, added two new sounds; DSCYBSIT, DSVILATK and fixed a blemish with the explosion sound.
For more info go here.
I've also added two more Doom tracks in the game music section:
The Doom ending - Bunny
e3m2 - Donna to the Rescue
21. December 2009
Some Doom music again
Added these Doom tracks in the game music section:
e2m7 - Waltz of the Demons
20. December 2009
Music for xmas dinner at work

I was asked to make some music for a contest at the annual xmas dinner at work, so I threw some tracks quickly together:
Freddy Mercury - Living on My Own
Gary Moore - Still Got the Blues
(don't remeber where I got the MIDI's)
I also played the jaw-harp on top of a karaoke mp3 of Willie Nelson's version of Always On My Mind:
Always On My Mind
8. August 2009
Equinoxe thunder sound effects
While I was searching for Doom sounds I stumbled upon what I believe is the actual thunder sound effects used in the original Equinoxe album by Jean Michel Jarre.
I did a quick test where I mixed the thunder sounds with my Virus KB Equinoxe 5 remake and a shorter version of Equinoxe 8 made with the same sound set.
It ended up like this:
Equinoxe thunder sound effects
13. June 2009
Doom stuff
I've been fairly active in the Doom community lately.
First there was the high-resolution sound pack and most recently I made a mod that adds smoother weapon animations.
Here are the Doomworld forum threads:
Smoother weapon animations
High-resolution sound pack
It's nice to sort of be back in the modding scene again as I haven't really done anything worth mentioning since PerQuake - the golden days of Quake modding!
1. June 2009
More Doom tracks
Added a couple of Doom tracks in the game music section:
Doom: e2m4 - They're Going to Get You
Doom 2: map10 - The Demon's Dead
29. May 2009
My Equinoxe 5 remake used on a concert?
To my big surprise it seems that my Virus KB remake of Equinoxe 5 was played on a concert held 30. April in Poland.
I was not aware of this in any way other than that I accidentally stumbled upon a YouTube video.
It’s quite obvious if you listen to the end, as no other Equinoxe 5 remake I know of ends this way.
Here is the YouTube video:
The YouTube video is now gone, but I downloaded it and here is the audio part.
14. March 2009
Unreal: Spire Village
I've finally finished and recorded a MIDI I started on way back in 2001; Spire Village. A beautiful track composed by Michiel van den Bos for the game Unreal.
3. February 2009
Duke Nukem 3D: Space Storm
The Duke Nukem 3D track; Space Storm is now up.
12. January 2009
My Doom music on the doomworld forum
Recently I presented my Doom music and high resolution sound pack to the forumers at
The tracks were indeed well received and it inspired me to make another Doom track; The Demons from Adrian's Pen - e2m2
2. January 2009
New website finally up!
Phew, getting rid of the old website was a relief; the code was a horrible mess and a pain to maintain.
The new website looks fresher, is made entirely with css styling and is W3C xhtml and css valid.
At the autumn of 2006 I entered into the realm of machining metal, so basically I swapped synthesizer and drum machine with lathe and milling machine and a lot of my spare time has been put into this.
Still though, I've made some music in between, mostly music from the classic PC games; Doom, Doom 2 and Duke Nukem 3D - which is available in the game music section.