Access Virus KB

This is the workhorse and master MIDI controller in my studio; it does just about anything when it comes to analog sound.
The interface is excellent, lots of routing possibilities, a nice set of knobs to play with and quality velocity-sensitive keys with aftertouch.
This synth also well-built, all metal and wooden side panels, no cheapo plastic-stuff.
It's loaded with onboard effects and you can adjust most of the parameters.
Even though the Virus KB is outclassed several times by new synths from Access, I stick to my Virus KB - it's still the best looking one ;-)
Audio samples - these patches are made by me
- Soundwave Doing my best to sound like Frank Welker thru the Virus vocoder.
- Solina String-Ensemble My Virus KB emulation of the Solina String-Ensemble.
- The Laser Harp Modelled after the Elka Synthex, this is the laser harp sound!
- Korg Minipops 7 Multi mode patch with Minipops sounds.
- The church A church organ patch I made - this is a MIDI, not me playing.
- Titan The mighty "Titan" patch.
- Zombies A choir sounding pad.
- Virus Nightmare A scary nightmare with digital screams.
- Drunken old man This patch sounds like some guy that had one too many beers. Actually, it sounds a bit Norwegian.
- Jarre pad Jean Michel Jarre sounds.
- Switch off My Virus KB makes this sound when you turn it off.
- My Virus patches in Sysex midi-files
Virus KB only tracks
These tracks are all made by using only the Virus KB and recorded in one shot.
- Piano Concerto Edvard Grieg meets Vangelis.
- Wedding At Troldhaugen More Edvard Grieg music played with my piano patch. Listen as I tweak the filter cutoff - the piano slowly morphs into a harpsichord!
- Oxygene 2 An unfinished Virus KB only version of Oxygene 2.
- Magnetic Fields 2 More unfinished stuff...
- China Overture I like this one better than the Equinoxe 5 remake.
- Equinoxe 5 The "Virus KB only" original.